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Dear Parents and Carers
Excessively proud and boastful talk about one's achievements is known as bragging, and it’s not always welcome. But, in the words of Muhammad Ali: It’s not bragging if you can back it up!
Inquiry Exhibition
We were overjoyed to welcome back the community to show off our learning! Classrooms were buzzing with excitement as our students presented their inquiry journeys and explained their artefacts. Thank you, all, for your interest and support of our young learners.
Pens Against Poverty is a unique writing competition for Australian school students in Years 3-10. Students compose an original poem or story, and this year’s theme was Finding a Home. Our Year 5 and 6 students entered the competition, encouraged by their teachers, and having reflected deeply on our call to act justly and care for others; in particular, the poor and marginalised.
I’m very proud and thrilled to announce that St Matthew’s Primary School has won the Jacquie French School Award which is conferred for high quality writing reflected across all student entries. Students demonstrated empathy and humanity, creative treatment of the theme, and effective control of language to communicate their message. This award will be presented in November.
Congratulations to our Year 5 and 6 students, and to Mr Payne, Ms Ogden, Mr Hornby and Ms Levi!
Semester 2 Reports and Parent/Teacher Conferences
A Semester Report will be sent home as in previous semesters providing A-E grading and attendance information. CECG’s position is to prioritise Parent/Teacher Conferences occurring during Term 4. These meetings provide an opportunity to discuss your child’s progress, their strengths, challenges, and future areas of focus. Our Parent/Teacher Conferences will take place on November 28, 29 and 30 at school, and we will provide booking advice in coming weeks.
Leaving Families
If your child is leaving the school at the end of the year (apart from our Year 6 students), please advise the front office as soon as possible.
May God bless you and your families this week.
Petra Cole
Principal (Acting)